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Services and Pricing

These services are intended to be carried out as short-term collaborations. To plan a flexible, long-term collaboration with a bioinformatics core consultant, see our Grant Assistance and Research Collaborations page.

Each service includes:

  • A one-hour project planning meeting so we can understand specific project needs, outline a project schedule and estimate costs.  

  • A one-hour follow-up meeting to discuss results and answer any follow-up questions

  • A methods write-up for publication

  • The code used to generate the results for reproducibility


These services do not include raw data collection, including genomic sequencing. Contact the RTSF Genomics Core for your next-generation sequencing needs.



Many of the our services are priced per sample. Custom analyses are priced hourly with an additional data storage fee that is dependent on the size of your raw data. Click the service you are interested in below to see the price and other service details.

  • Pipeline: raw data quality control and alignment to a reference genome, followed by gene expression quantification, normalization, and correction of batch effects (if necessary) 

  • Downstream analyses (as applicable): Differential expression analysis (with at least 3 replicated per condition), pathway and gene ontology analysis (for common model species only or gene sets provided by the investigator), weighted gene coexpression network analysis (≥15 samples)

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $63 per sample

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $81 per sample

  • Pipeline: Raw data quality control and alignment to a reference genome, generation of  peak calling and quality control, annotation of peaks to genes, track visualization with an open-source genome browser. 

  • Downstream analyses (as applicable): Sample correlation analysis, enriched motif analysis (for common model species only, unless specific motifs are supplied), differential peak calling, pathway and gene ontology analysis (for common model species only, or gene sets provided by the investigator).

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $86 per sample

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $110 per sample

  • We can accommodate data generated by 10x Chromium, Drop-Seq, Smart-Seq, or CEL-Seq among other technologies

  • Pipeline: Raw data quality control and alignment, followed by quantification, feature selection, normalization, and correction of both batch and common biological confounding effects (such as cell cycle), cell clustering and visualization, identification of cluster enriched genes. 

  • Downstream analyses (as applicable): Cell-type annotation, differential expression analysis, GO/pathway enrichment analysis (for well annotated organisms or gene sets provided by the investigator)

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $176 per sample

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $226 per sample

  • Sample integration is an additional, hourly cost.

  • Data generated by droplet based (10x Chromium) protocols as well as micro-fluidics/-well (Takara, Fluidigm) and combinatorial indexing

  • Pipeline: Raw data quality control and alignment, peak calling and quality control, annotation of peaks to genes,  feature selection, normalization and dimension reduction, cell clustering and visualization, gene activity interpolation including  feature selection, normalization and batch correction as needed in scRNA-Seq.

  • Downstream analyses (as applicable): Differential chromatin accessibility per cluster, integration of gene activity data with expression data from scRNA-Seq, enriched motif analysis (for common model species only, unless specific motifs are supplied), GO/pathway enrichment analysis (for well annotated organisms or gene sets provided by the investigator), track visualization with an open-source genome browser. 

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $176 per sample

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $226 per sample

  • Sample integration is an additional, hourly cost.

  • For both PacBio's SMRT and ONT's nanopore sequencing

  • Pipeline: basecalling, QC, read error correction, assembly with refinement, alignment, etc.

  • Downstream analyses: as applicable, such as detection of transgenes

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $67/hour + data storage fee
  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $86/hour + data storage fee
  • With Illumina sequencing data

  • Pipeline: QC of reads, mapping to reference, GATK-Picard variant calling (base quality recalibration, HaplotypeCaller, variant quality recalibration), post-variant-calling QC, etc. 

  • Downstream analyses: as applicable, such as genotype recoding for genetic mapping software

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $67/hour + data storage fee

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $86/hour + data storage fee

  • Pipeline: Sequence quality control, amplicon sequence variant (ASV) table construction, taxonomy assignment and taxonomic composition analysis   

  • Downstream analyses (as applicable): Alpha and beta diversity analysis and differential abundance testing

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $7 per sample 

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $9 per sample 

  • Pipeline: Array-based methylation data: background correction and dye bias correction, followed by normalization, batch effect correction, probe-type bias correction, filtering of low-quality data points, and imputation. Bisulfite sequencing data (raw .fastq files): quality control and alignment, followed by methylation calling and filtering CpGs.

  • Downstream analyses (as applicable): Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) and/or differentially methylated CpG sites (DMCs) analysis, annotation of DMRs/DMCs with genes or gene sets.

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $153 per sample 

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $196 per sample

  • Pipeline: Conversion of raw MS data from mzXML to MALDIquant format, followed by peptide/protein identification, protein abundance quantification, filtering, normalization, and missing value imputation.

  • Downstream analyses (as applicable): Differential protein expression analysis, protein set enrichment analysis, machine learning-based sample clustering, and protein-protein interaction networks.

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $75 per sample

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $96 per sample

  • Pipeline: Raw MS metabolic data quality control identifying outliers, drifts, or batch effects, followed by metabolite and sample filtering, missing value imputation, normalization, transformation, scaling, and metabolite annotation with a reference library.

  • Downstream analyses (as applicable): Identification of significant metabolite signatures, sample clustering, metabolite correlation analysis, over-representation analysis, metabolite set enrichment analysis, and metabolite-protein networks.

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $97 per sample

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $124 per sample

Primary data from nearly all published genomics studies are available in NCBI’s sequence read archive (SRA). Bioinformatics core consultants can implement and run custom workflows integrating these, or any other, publicly available datasets to generate new hypotheses or draw new conclusions. 
  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $67/hour + data storage fee

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $86/hour + data storage fee

Generation of custom, publication ready figures for the above analyses.

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $67/hour + data storage fee

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $86/hour + data storage fee

We are happy to work with researchers to provide analyses not included in the above pipelines. This includes generating custom pipelines.

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $67/hour + data storage fee

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $86/hour + data storage fee

  • Expect custom data analyses to take a minimum of 8 consultant hours.

We are available to train clients to analyze their own RNA-seq (bulk or single cell), ATAC-seq (bulk or single cell), or ChIP-seq data.

  • Internal rate (for units on MSU campus): $67/hour

  • External rate (for foundation, non-profit, or non-MSU university partners): $86/hour

We also offer group workshops for analyzing these data (minimum 5 participants). Email if interested.