Frequently Asked Questions

The MSU Bioinformatics Core is a collaboration among bioinformatics consultants from the Institute for Cyber Enabled Research (ICER), the Research Support Technology Facility (RTSF), and Biomedical Research Informatics Core (BRIC). We have consolidated our expertise to best serve the bioinformatics needs of the research community at MSU.

The MSU Bioinformatics Core is a collaboration among bioinformatics consultants from the Institute for Cyber Enabled Research (ICER), the Research Support Technology Facility (RTSF), and Biomedical Research Informatics Core (BRIC). While the Bioinformatics Core is its own entity, we work closely with all three facilities.

The Bioinformatics Core offers support for analyzing many types of genomic data, see our services page for more information.

Yes! We provide a free consultation to discuss your needs and provide information about experimental design, relevant bioinformatics methods, and budget planning. We can also provide you with a letter of support, if necessary. Consults can be involved in projects on a short-term basis for an hourly/per sample fee or on long-term basis for up to 10% FTE. See our grant proposal support page for more information.

Yes! We provide a free consultation to discuss your needs and provide information about experimental design, relevant bioinformatics methods, and budget planning. We can also provide you with a letter of support, if necessary. Consults can be involved in projects on a short-term basis for an hourly/per sample fee or on long-term basis for up to 10% FTE. See our grant proposal support page for more information.

Yes! Consultants can be involved in long-term projects for up to 10% FTE. See our grant proposal support and research collaborations page.

It is our policy that the bioinformatician should be listed as a co-author if there has been a scientific or an intellectual contribution to the research and not be listed in the acknowledgments. See our policies page for more information about authorship expectations. If the consultant's work does not rise to the level of authorship, please recognize the core’s contribution in the Acknowledgement section of your publications: “We acknowledge support from the Michigan State University Bioinformatics Core”.

Yes! To request a consultation, fill our consultation request form and include key experimental details including data type (RNA, DNA, single-cell, etc.), species, the expected number of samples, and the timeline for sample submission.

The Bioinformatics Core does not provide genomic sequencing services or any other raw data collection. We perform analyses on data that have already been generated. If you need assistance with next-generation sequencing, please contact the RTSF Genomics Core. If you are working with the RTSF genomics core and are interested in support from the bioinformatics core, please let the genomics core know so we can coordinate planning meetings.