Examples of the services we provide are listed below. If the analysis you are interested in is not listed, please contact us and we will try our best to accommodate your request. These services are intended to be carried out as short-term collaborations. To plan a flexible, long-term collaboration with a bioinformatics core consultant, see our Grant Assistance and Research Collaborations page.
A one-hour project planning meeting so we can understand specific project needs, outline a project schedule and estimate costs.
A one-hour follow-up meeting to discuss results and answer any follow-up questions
A methods write-up for publication
The code used to generate the results for reproducibility
Most services do not include raw data collection, including genomic sequencing. Contact the RTSF Genomics Core for your next-generation sequencing needs.
The MSU Genomics Core and Bioinformatics Core are now offering library preparation, sequencing, and analysis for select library types for a flat fee. Bundling is only available for MSU researchers who will pay using an MSU grant account. A consultation with the Bioinformatics Core is required prior to project submission to the Genomics Core.
Library types include:
See the Genomics Core pricing page for details: https://rtsf.natsci.msu.edu/genomics/pricing.aspx
Many of our services are priced per sample. Others are priced hourly with an additional data storage fee that is dependent on the size of your raw data. Click the service you are interested in below to see the price and other service details.
Primary data from nearly all published genomics studies are available in NCBI’s sequence read archive (SRA). Bioinformatics core consultants can implement and run custom workflows integrating these, or any other, publicly available datasets to generate new hypotheses or draw new conclusions.
Generation of custom, publication ready figures for the above analyses.
We are happy to work with researchers to provide analyses not included in the above pipelines. This includes generating custom pipelines.
We are available to train clients to perform their own analyses including:
Examples of analyses that can be performed using population resequencing data follow:
We can help design custom probe-based sequence capture targets for studies interested in particular loci or reduced representation genomic sequencing. Below are examples: